Wayzata's Best of Shareware PC/Windows 2
Wayzata's Best of Shareware 2.0 (Windows) (Wayzata Technology)(7112)(1994).bin
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To register this product, simply answer the following questions. By
answering these questions I'll be able to improve the program to support
your more advanced system.
If you answer "other", please give more details. If you don't understand a
question, please check the help below.
What type of computer do you have? XT AT 286 386 486 Other
Approximately what speed in CPU MHz?
Approximately what speed in LandMark MHz?
How much memory does your computer have?
(If you know, please specify how much of it is EMS and how much of it is
Do you have a math coprocessor (if you don't have a 486 or better)? Yes No
Do you have an extended math coprocessor? Yes No
What type of video system do you have?
MDA Hercules
Black-and-White-CGA Colour-CGA
Tandy Hercules-InColor
Super-VGA-Deluxe XGA
SuperX-VGA Other
(Circle one, or two if you have a two monitor system)
If you have a VGA compatible system, does it have VESA? Yes No
What is the brand name of your video card if it is a VGA or better?
Printer type? None Laser Dot Matrix Daisy wheel Other
Do you have a colour printer? Yes No
What is the brand name of your printer (if you have one)?
Do you have a mouse? No Yes, using COM port Yes, using a bus
How many joysticks do you have? None One Two
If you have a joystick, select: Analogue Digital Single Centring
Auto Fire Speed Control Dual Centring.
If you have a scanner, what make is it?
How many floppy drives do you have: 0 1 2 3 4
How many stiffy drives do you have: 0 1 2 3 4
What types of drives do you have : 360kb 760 kb 1.20Mb Other floppy
720kb 1.44Mb 2.88Mb Other stiffy
Optical Disk
Tape Streamer
If you have hard disk(s), what is the total capacity (in Mb)?
Do you have any other hardware that you feel should be supported by this
If you have a sound card, what is the brand name?
Where did you get this program? (Friends / BBS / etc.)
If you received the program from a software club or BBS, please give the
name (and phone number with area code if a BBS).
Computer Type
XT is old and slow, AT/286 faster, 386 fast, 486 very fast.
This could be printed on the computer. If not, there are programs to
determine the speed. You can specify a percentage of the original PC speed
if that is all you know about the speed.
If you have a speed testing program which returns the LandMark speed, please
give that too.
Video Type
Select what your video card is called:
No colour systems: MDA Hercules.
No graphics : MDA.
XGA supports 1600x1200 graphics, and has a 64k colour mode.
Super VGA Deluxe is a 1Mb system supporting 1024x768 with 256 colours.
Super VGA is a 512kb board, usually with 800x600 in 256 colours.
SuperX VGA supports 32k colours.
VGA with VESA is a VGA which supports the VESA standard.
Brand Name
Specify the brand name (look at the name on the big chip in the middle of
the video card if you don't know).
If you have one, specify how it is connected to your computer.
If you have a joystick that makes clicking sounds, it is usually digital.
You can tell by running a joystick centring program. If as you move the
joystick, the numbers / position moves slowly, then it is analogue. If the
position / numbers jump quickly with no in-between steps, it is digital.
Dual Centring means you can set the x and y co-ordinates separately when you
set it up. Single Centring means you only have one button to set the
If you can make the joystick shoot faster and slower by moving dials, you
have Auto Fire Speed Control.
Please remember to include your name, address, postal code, telephone number
and telephone code (if you have a telephone).
Please also remember to include what program you are registering for. There
are many Galliasoft products available.